Egypt's Trains - Voice Search is an Android Application produced by Horizons For Software Solutions®.
while using Egypt's Trains - Voice Search you may sign in for some services , only Google Account Name and Google Profile Picture are used to identify your identity inside Egypt's Trains - Voice Search application.
Note: for some cases while using Egypt's Trains - Voice Search we may not collect any data.And for this cases you will be notified through the app in Data Deletion Page that you needn't to delete any data
while using Egypt's Trains - Voice Search you may share your device Approximate and/or Precise location a long side with a travel in order to share the amount of delay in Delays Forum.
If user has zero score both Identity and Location data are automatically deleted weekly without any actions from user.
For users that have scores, Location data is automatically deleted weekly, mean while identity data is kept unless the users have deleted all data -after confirmation of losing score- by their action inside the Egypt's Trains - Voice Search application as described below.
If we do not collect any data, The Data Deletion Page will display "Do not Worry, WE DO NOT COLLECT ANY DATA" and No further action is required
Other wise continue reading below to go through steps:
User can delete only location data represented by user shares in Delays Forum, keeping account data
by the steps below.(Note: all entire process may needs 24 hours from user request time)
User can delete all data including account data by the steps below.If user has some score, user must confirm losing the score.(Note: all entire process may needs 24 hours from user request time)